Build custom Alpine Linux images with Docker.
This projects builds custom Alpine Linux images with the alpine-make-vm-image utility, but it uses Docker and a simplified interface so that it can run easily on systems other than Alpine Linux that support Docker, such as for example macOS or other Linux distros.
Binaries are built weekly and uploaded to GitHub releases.
On Linux, you can install them like so:
$ curl -L -o /tmp/alpimager$(uname -m)
$ sudo install /tmp/alpimager /usr/local/bin
On macOS, you can use the following to install:
$ curl -L -o /tmp/alpimager$(uname -m)
$ sudo install /tmp/alpimager /usr/local/bin
On Windows, the following should work (using PowerShell as administrator):
PS> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \Windows\System32\alpimager.exe
Note that the Windows builds are broken due to a change in how WSL works; it is no longer supported since WSL2, the new Docker backend in Windows, uses a Kernel without nbd
support. If you just want a quick Alpine VM on Windows, I recommend using Alpine WSL instead until Microsoft resolve the issue.
See testdata for example files.
$ alpimager --help
Usage of alpimager:
-maximumDiskSize string
Maximum disk size (default "20G")
-output string
Output image file (default "alpine.qcow2")
-packages string
Package list file (default "packages.txt")
-repositories string
Repository list file (default "repositories.txt")
-script string
Setup script file (default "")
Enable verbose logging
- If you get an error like
ERROR: No available nbd device found!
, runsudo modprobe nbd
on the Docker host. - Running alpimager with
might give you more debugging output.
alpimager (c) 2021 Felicitas Pojtinger
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0