Efficient Synchronization of Linux Memory Regions over a Network: A Comparative Study and Implementation (Notes)

A user-friendly approach to application-agnostic state synchronization

Felicitas Pojtinger (Stuttgart Media University)


1 Introduction

2 Technology

2.1 User Space and Kernel Space

2.2 The Linux Kernel

2.3 Linux Kernel Modules

2.4 UNIX Signals and Handlers

2.5 UNIX Sockets

2.6 Memory Hierarchy

2.7 Memory Management in Linux

2.8 Swap Space

2.9 Page Faults

2.10 mmap

2.11 inotify

2.12 Linux Kernel Disk and File Caching

2.13 LAN and WAN

2.14 TCP, UDP, TLS and QUIC

2.15 Delta Synchronization

2.16 File Systems In Userspace (FUSE)

2.17 Network Block Device (NBD)

2.18 Virtual Machine Live Migration

2.18.1 Pre-Copy

2.18.2 Post-Copy

2.18.3 Workload Analysis

2.19 Streams and Pipelines

2.20 Go

2.21 gRPC

2.22 fRPC and Polyglot

2.23 Redis

2.24 S3 and Minio

2.25 Cassandra and ScylllaDB

3 Planning

3.1 Pull-Based Synchronization With userfaultfd

3.2 Push-Based Synchronization With mmap and Hashing

3.3 Push-Pull Synchronization with FUSE

3.4 Mounts with NBD

3.5 Push-Pull Synchronization with Mounts

3.6 Pull-Based Synchronization with Migrations

4 Implementation

4.1 Userfaults in Go with userfaultfd

4.2 File-Based Synchronization

4.3 FUSE Implementation in Go

4.4 NBD with go-nbd

4.5 Mounts

4.6 Live Migration

4.7 Pluggable Encryption and Authentication

4.8 Optimizing Backends For High RTT

4.9 Using Remote Stores as Backends

4.10 Bi-Directional and Concurrent RPCs with Dudirekta

4.11 Connection Pooling with gRPC

4.12 Optimizing RPC Throughput and Latency with fRPC

5 Results

5.1 Testing Environment

5.2 Access Methods

5.3 Initialization

5.4 Chunking

5.5 RPC frameworks

5.6 Backends

6 Discussion

6.1 Userfaults

6.2 File-Based Synchronization

6.3 FUSE

6.4 Direct Mounts

6.5 Managed Mounts

6.6 Chunking

6.7 RPC Frameworks

6.8 Backends

6.9 NBD

6.10 Language Limitations

6.11 Use Cases

6.11.1 Remote Swap With ram-dl

6.11.2 Mapping Tape Into Memory With tapisk

6.11.3 Improving File System Synchronization Solutions

6.11.4 Universal Database, Media and Asset Streaming

6.11.5 Universal App State Synchronization and Migration

7 Summary

8 Conclusion

9 References

9.1 Abbrevations

API: Application Programming Interface I/O: Input/Output IO: Input/Output OS: Operating System CPU: Central Processing Unit RAM: Random Access Memory SSD: Solid State Drive HDD: Hard Disk Drive UUID: Universally Unique Identifier CRC32: Cyclic Redundancy Check 32-Bit LRU: Least Recently Used WAN: Wide Area Network LAN: Local Area Network TCP: Transmission Control Protocol UDP: User Datagram Protocol P2P: Peer-To-Peer NATs: Network Address Translators IPC: Inter-Process Communication RTT: Round-Trip Time SRP: SCSI RDMA Protocol GNU: GNU’s Not Unix UNIX: UNIX Family of Operating Systems macOS: Apple Macintosh Operating System FreeBSD: Free Berkeley Software Distribution NBD: Network Block Device S3fs: S3 File System NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express LTFS: Linear Tape File System LTO: Linear Tape-Open EXT4: Fourth Extended Filesystem Btrfs: B-Tree File System C: C Programming Language Rust: Rust Programming Language Go: Go Programming Language C++: C++ Programming Language ARM: ARM RISC Computer Processor Architecture x86: x86 CISC Computer Processor Architecture RISC-V: RISC-V RISC Computer Processor Architecture LPDDR5: Low-Power Double Data Rate 5 HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTPS: HTTP Secure HTTP/2: HTTP Version 2 QUIC: Quick UDP Internet Connections WebRTC: Web Real-Time Communication Wasm: WebAssembly IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force OIDC: OpenID Connect AWS: Amazon Web Services CNCF: Cloud Native Computing Foundation S3: Simple Storage Service TLS: Transport Layer Security mTLS: Mutual TLS SSH: Secure Shell DoS: Denial of Service JSON: JavaScript Object Notation JSONL: JSON Lines SQL: Structured Query Language NoSQL: Not Only SQL Protobuf: Protocol Buffers IDL: Interface Definition Language DSL: Domain-Specific Language KV: Key-Value Syscalls: System Calls VM: Virtual Machine RPC: Remote Procedure Call REST: Representational State Transfer FUSE: File Systems in Userspace

9.2 Structure


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