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Generates a CSV file with the packets that are to be sent in order to check if a UDP port is open.


ports2packets is a tool that is meant to solve the following problem: Knowing the packets that need to be sent to a UDP port in order to check whether it is open. This is done by UDP scanning Go UDP listeners on registered ports with nmap and taking note of the port and packet, which are then writen in base64 format to a CSV file. The output CSV file based on the latest service names and port numbers by the IANA is also built weekly and available to download below.


Prebuilt Binaries

Linux, macOS and Windows binaries are available on GitHub Releases.

Go Package

A Go package is available.

Prebuilt CSV File

As mentioned above, the CSV file is also pre-built every week and can be downloaded from GitHub Releases.


See liwasc’s database package for a Go library implementation based on the CSV output file.

% ports2packets -help
Usage of ports2packets:
  -in string
        Path to the CSV input file containing the registered services. Download from (default "/etc/ports2packets/service-names-port-numbers.csv")
  -out string
        Path of the generated CSV output file (default "ports2packets.csv")


ports2packets (c) 2020 Felicitas Pojtinger

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0