These study materials are heavily based on professor
Heuzeroth’s “Anwendungssicherheit” lecture at HdM Stuttgart.
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Uni App Security Themes (c) 2022 Felicitas Pojtinger and
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
Please check out Jakob’s
notes for more detailed study materials!
- Basics and Security Objectives (8 points)
- CIA triad
- Definition of security & safety
- Definition of software security & safety
- How do software security issues occur, and what are their
- What are risks, threats and vulnerabilities? (from the basics
- Ranking risks
- Contradictions in software security (security vs vulernability)
- Secure Development Process (4 points): Data flow diagram (see
STRIDE) and modelled system are given, analyze the secure development
- Buffer Overflow (10 points):
- Screenshots from SL-Mail exploit are given, explain step by step
(with parameters and tool names)
- Include buffer overflow cheat sheet
- Unique string search vs binary search
- Security of Web Applications (13 points):
- OWASP Top 10 (names, explanation and example)
- 2x: Bad example code is given, find, describe and execute possible
attacks, show countermeasures
- Attack vector is given, execute attack
- Explain countermeasure to one of the OWASP 2021 attacks
- Secure Coding (10 points):
- Explanation of program is given, find and fix the vulnerability
- Authentication and Authorization (5 points):
- Authentication vs Authorization
- Methods of authentication (knowledge, ownership or attributes)
- What are OAuth2 refresh & access tokens?