Uni Distributed Systems Topics Felicitas Pojtinger 2023-02-04 - 1 Meta - 1.1 Contributing - 1.2 License - 2 Topics Meta Contributing These study materials are heavily based on professor Kriha’s “Verteilte Systeme” lecture at HdM Stuttgart and prior work of fellow students. Found an error or have a suggestion? Please open an issue on GitHub (github.com/pojntfx/uni-distributedsystems-notes): [QR code to source repository] QR code to source repository If you like the study materials, a GitHub star is always appreciated :) License [AGPL-3.0 license badge] AGPL-3.0 license badge Uni Distributed Systems Topics (c) 2023 Felicitas Pojtinger and contributors SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 Topics - I/O & Process Models - Delivery Guarantees - Replication, Consensus, Eventual Consistency, FIFO, Reliable Broadcasting - Synchronization - Correctness, Liveness, Complexity, Failure Modes - Fan-Out Architecture - Two-Phase Commits (2PC) - Sharding, Partitioning - Information and Distribution Architecture - Concrete design proposal, e.g. Twitter (Scalability, availability, security)