Notes for the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) course at HdM Stuttgart
Felicitas Pojtinger
These study materials are heavily based on professor Zimmermann’s “Human-Computer Interaction” lecture at HdM Stuttgart and prior work of fellow students.
“Extend to which a system, product or service can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use”
“Person’s perceptions and responses resulting from the user and/or anticipated use of a product, system or service” (auf den ganzen Lebenszyklus bezogen)
“Movement or posture of the whole body or parts of the body”
“Extent to which products, systems, services, environments and facilities can be used by people from a population with the widest range of user needs, characteristics and capabilities to achieve identified goals in identified contexts of use”
“Universal design is the design of different products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible without the need for adaption or specialized design”
Produkt aus …
Operator | t (in s) |
Keying | 0,2 |
Pointing | 1,1 |
Homing | 0,4 |
Mentally prepare | 1,35 |
Responding | n |
Das Produkt muss für alle Menschen …
Erwartete …
Formel für die Positionierzeit.
a: 50
b: 150
D: Distanz vom Mauszeiger zur Mitte des
W: Durchmesser des Ziels entlang der
Bewegungsrichtung des Mauszeigers
Formel für die Auswahlzeit.
a: 50
b: 150
n: Anzahl der Auswahlmöglichkeiten
(z.B. Menüpunkte)
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