The SolarWinds Attack and Farm-to-table Methods in the Development Process: Notes

Mitigating disasters through supply chain security

Felicitas Pojtinger


Topic: The “Solarwinds” attack and farm-to-table methods in the development process - Mitigating disasters through supply-chain security

1.1 Part 0: The SolarWinds Attack (Highly Evasive Attacker Leverages SolarWinds Supply Chain)

1.2 Part 1: Overview (Risks in the Software Supply Chain)

1.3 Part 2: Framework (Socio-technical Framework for Threat Modeling a Software Supply Chain)

1.4 Part 3: Implementation (in-toto: Providing farm-to-table guarantees for bits and bytes)

1.5 Part 4: Evaluation (in-toto: Providing farm-to-table guarantees for bits and bytes)