Create a new registry
Class with local RPCs to expose
Class with remote RPC placeholders to implement
hooks: IRegistryHooksGlobal hooks
Iterate over list of connected remotes
Function to execute for each remote
Expose local RPCs and implement remote RPCs via a message-based transport
AbortSignal for in-flight RPC operations
Stream to write requests to
Stream to write responses to
Stream to read requests from
Stream to read responses from
Function to marshal nested values with
Function to unmarshal nested values with
hooks: ILinkHooksLink hooks
Expose local RPCs and implement remote RPCs via a stream-based transport
AbortSignal for in-flight RPC operations
Stream to write messages to
Stream to read messages from
Function to marshal nested values with
Function to unmarshal nested values with
hooks: ILinkHooksLink hooks
Generated using TypeDoc
Exposes local RPCs and implements remote RPCs